(a) “I, Deanna Ponce, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
(b) Getting Used To Your Own Voice. Audio blog post
"Voice Over Experts." Finding and Developing Character Voices. N.p., n.d. Web
(c) Here!
(d) Voice reel of three different characters.
Character sheet
Part of my answer is to know your limits and to get used to your voice. Once you know your voice you can find out what kind of characters you can voice. Knowing my voice, I found that doing the voice for Jim Hopkins was a bit of a challenge, as well as putting my pitch higher for Akira. Haruhi was a bit easy, although it was a bit difficult since I changed the character until the last minute so doing her voice while I was a little sick kind of weakened my ability for her.